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Counselling Placements

A multi-award winning service in Cornwall. WAVES means Working Against Violence, Empowering Survivors, and we live and breathe what we do. Our service proudly provides 12 free sessions of counselling, offered to anyone who has been a victim of Domestic Violence or Abuse, regardless of their age, gender, sexuality, income, or psychological assessment, because the reality is, anyone can be affected by domestic violence or abuse.

With WAVES, you will be allocated a minimum of 4 clients, and each of these clients will bravely bring you their story to share with you. 

We offer high quality, all inclusive training, focused on the abuse suffered by women, men, the LGBT+ community, while looking at the effects this has on children and society in a wider context. We will also look at social assumptions about domestic violence and abuse, and look at real cases. 

What We Offer You

Training that you will not find anywhere else

Our training is unique, provided by the WAVES Manager Jo Stone, you will receive high quality training using real life case studies, case examples relating to Cornwall, information and insights regarding domestic abuse for men, women, the LGBT+ community and children, as well as be given the tools, resources and techniques in how to work with those who have experienced abuse. Our training is split into separate individual sections you will receive a certificate for each part completed. Our training can be challenging at times but also though provoking and engaging, allowing you to be pushed to become an effective and life changing counsellor both within and outside of the WAVES Counselling Project.

Life Coach

Group Supervision

Book Club

WAVES provides mandatory supervision for all its counsellors whether on placement, voluntary or self-employed. Monthly group supervision allows us to ensure good practice and effective risk management, you will have the opportunity to discuss difficult or challenging cases with your group and the WAVES manager, as well as share good practice and aspects of your work you are proud of. Supervision also allows room to share useful resources, information, courses, or CPD that you may have come across as a group. Ultimately within our supervision groups, you can expect to be held safely, and afforded the opportunity to share thoughts and feelings in an environment that is supportive and non-judgemental, that is our ethos.

A variety of formats to provide counselling

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, WAVES has adapted to provide counselling in a variety of formats including face-to-face, phone, and video-based sessions. Our clients will have a mixture of preferences, where some are happy to engage in any format of counselling, and others will have a particular preference due to work commitments, childcare, etc. Many colleges will ask that counsellors complete a minimum of 50 therapeutic hours out of 100 face-to-face, with the rest able to be provided optionally in a remote way (video, phone etc.). WAVES will endeavor to offer you clients that allow you to meet your college requirements where possible.

Psychotherapy Session

A range of experience

Rainbow Flags

Not only will you be able to see clients in a variety of formats, but you will also be offered to see clients from a diverse range of backgrounds. WAVES provides counselling to anyone aged 16 or over who has experienced domestic abuse, regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or psychological status, so you can be sure to be afforded the opportunity to fully experience and understand domestic abuse. WAVES also take part in events where possible such as Blue Monday, Cornwall Pride, Student College Fairs and Information days etc. any opportunity to promote and bring awareness to our free domestic abuse counselling service in Cornwall for those in need.


Please read the information below before applying.

  • All applicants must complete the WAVES Training before being offered a placement with the project. This training takes place via face to face in person at Chacewater Village Hall, Cornwall UK. If you are unable to attend all the training dates listed below in person then you will not be offered a placement - If you live out of county and apply then we will assume you have made arrangements to attend the training face to face and are able to see clients in Cornwall UK. Please note, for some college courses you will be required to completed 30% of your counselling hours or higher in a face to face format with your clients, we can only offer face to face clients within the county.

  • All applicants upon accepting a placement offer must attend 9 out of 11 supervision dates - Supervision runs every month apart from during the summer holidays, you will be expected to attend the first 4 supervision dates listed below.

  • Applicants will be informed by late February/early March 2025 whether they have been successful or not for interview, applicants accepted for interview will be offered an interview for March 2025.

  • -If you are a student counsellor, you will be required to obtain a letter from your tutor which states that they consider you to be safe and proficient to counsel clients.
    -Attendance at all mandatory training is required by our funders which is provided by external agencies. Some are held on different premises; some are a couple of hours or one full day or two-day training, these are free of charge to volunteers.

  • Once the compulsory training has been completed candidates will then be informed if they are suitable to have a placement with WAVES as a volunteer counsellor.

  • All volunteers are required to have a client case load of a minimum of four clients at any one time and to fully complete all relevant online paperwork.

  • Please note, if you have been a client with WAVES within the last year of your application date we will not be able to offer you a placement at this time.

Training dates face to face (mandatory) at Chacewater Village Hall, Church Hill, Chacewater, Truro, Cornwall UK, TR4 8PZ, 10am to 4pm:

  • Friday April 25th 2025 - Killifreth Room

  • Friday May 2nd 2025 - Wheal Jane Room

  • Friday May 9th 2025 - Killifreth Room

  • Friday May 16th 2025 - Kilifreth Room

  • Friday June 6th 2025 - Wheal Jane Room

  • Friday June 13th 2025 - Killifreth Room

  • Friday June 20th 2025 - Killifreth Room

  • Friday June 27th 2025 - Killifreth Room

  • Friday July 4th 2025 - Killifreth Room

  • Friday July 11th 2025 - Killifreth Room

  • Friday July 18th 2025 - Killifreth Room

  • Friday July 25th 2025 - Killifreth Room

Mandatory Supervision dates 10am to 1pm):

  • Monday September 15th 2025 (Zoom)​

  • Monday October 13th 2025 (Zoom)

  • Monday November 10th 2025 (Zoom)

  • Friday December 5th 2025 (Chacewater Village Hall)


Job Description Role:   Volunteer Counsellor

Reports to:   WAVES Manager


  • To accept requests, in person and online from the WAVES Manager and to offer counselling on a short term basis (12 sessions). 6 sessions are free and 6 sessions the client makes a donation.

  • To Book secure staffed venues to counsel clients, and/or to provide counselling in an appropriate space at home or in any other location via phone or video

  • Accept a minimum caseload of four clients at any one time.

  • I understand that travel expenses will not be covered by WAVES.

  • Attend at least 9 of the 11 monthly Supervision group meetings in any one year and if I am unable to attend any meeting, I will inform my Supervisor as soon as possible beforehand.

  • Have and attend one and half hours of monthly external supervision minimum with an external supervisor from a list of supervisors provided by WAVES, which I understand will not be paid for or provided by WAVES, and understand it is my responsibility to ensure I have enough supervision to client ratio in line with my course requirements.

  • To report back to the Manager if the level of risk and safety to the counsellor or client changes.

  • If in person the counsellor is expected to take donations given by the client, give a receipt to the client and hand the donation to the co-ordinator at group supervision; if online the counsellor is expected to confirm a donation has been made.

  • To assess the client needs for other support and identify where this support could be obtained and either empower the client to or for the counsellor to refer if necessary.

  • To report back to the Manager for a decision if the level of support rises or more support is needed.

  • When appropriate, to establish a counselling relationship with the aim of re-establishing their ability to cope and maintain autonomy.

  • To adhere to the WAVES Confidentiality Policy.

  • To abide by the BACP Code of Ethics.

  • To maintain all appropriate client paperwork in a safe and secure location, a lockable drawer or filing cabinet or cupboard and to hand back to manager on completion with client.

  • Adhere to the WAVES policies, practices and standards.

  • Honour the WAVES confidentiality policy.

  • On behalf of WAVES, work only with those clients allocated by WAVES, and not offer any other support or counselling in the name of WAVES.

  • Inform my Supervisor and or Manager of any endings or difficulties with clients.

  • Complete promptly the records and client paperwork required by the WAVES Manager ready to be submitted upon completion including client wellbeing scores, client 1st session form, client disclosure form, client closure form, client evaluation form etc.

  • To attend any external mandatory training that is required by WAVES and its funders.

  • Attend as much in-house training as possible.

  • This job description is not exhaustive and may be amended as necessary.


I wish to be a WAVES Volunteer and agree to the following:

I am expected to:

  • To accept requests, in person and online from the WAVES Co-ordinator and to offer counselling on a short term basis (12 sessions). 6 sessions are free and 6 sessions the client makes a donation.

  • Accept a minimum caseload of four clients at any one time.

  • I understand that travel expenses will not be covered by WAVES.

  • Attend at least 9 of the 11 monthly Supervision group meetings in any one year to arrive at 10am prompt and stay till 4pm or whenever the meeting ends and if I am unable to attend any meeting, I will inform my Supervisor as soon as possible beforehand.

  • Have and attend one and half hours of monthly external supervision with an external supervisor from a list provided by WAVES, which I understand will not be paid for by WAVES.

  • To report back to the manager if the level of risk and safety to the counsellor changes.

  • The counsellor is expected to take donations given by the client, give a receipt to the client and hand the donation to the co-ordinator at group supervision, or if provided online or via phone to confirm that the client has made a donation.

  • To assess the client needs for other support and identify where this support could be obtained and either empower the client to or for the counsellor to refer if necessary.

  • To report back to the Co-ordinator for a decision if the level of support rises or more support is needed.

  • To report back to the manager if the level of risk and safety to the client rises.

  • When appropriate, to establish a counselling relationship with the aim of re-establishing their ability to cope and maintain autonomy.

  • To adhere to the WAVES Confidentiality Policy.

  • To abide by the BACP Code of Ethics.

  • To maintain all appropriate client paperwork in a safe and secure location i.e. Filing cabinet, lockable draw or cupboard and to hand back to manager on completion with client.

  • Adhere to the WAVES policies, practices and standards.

  • Honour the WAVES confidentiality policy.

  • On behalf of WAVES, work only with those clients allocated by WAVES, and not offer any other support or counselling in the name of WAVES.

  • Inform my Supervisor and or manager of any endings or difficulties with clients.

  • Complete promptly the records and client paperwork required by the WAVES manager ready to be handed back at monthly group supervision, to complete the online forms at the time of completion including client wellbeing scores, client first session form, client disclosure form, client closure form, client evaluation form etc.

  • To attend any external mandatory training that is required by WAVES and its funders.

  • Attend as much in-house training as possible.

  • Aside from where I live, to be willing to travel to other areas of the county to provide counselling where there is a large client case load or shortage of counsellors, and open to providing counselling in person, online or by phone - considerations to counsellor preference will be considered.

  • This is not exhaustive and may be amended as necessary

  • If I am unable to meet any one of the above I will discuss the position with the manager, who may then need to discuss it with the Refuge Manager.

  • In special circumstances, volunteers can ask for time off, up to one year (a sabbatical)

  • I understand that I or the WAVES manager may at any time suspend or terminate this agreement and that I must then apply for reinstatement. 

  • Suspension or termination may be a consequence of my effectiveness as a Volunteer by the WAVES Manager.  This suspension or termination would follow only after full discussion with me.  If I wish to resign I will inform my Supervisor and WAVES Manager in writing, giving a minimum of one month’s notice and hand back all equipment and devices provided by WAVES including file paperwork and any client paperwork.

WAVES, in Partnership expects to:
Inform volunteers of and implement the WAVES policies, practices and standards.
Provide introductory and in-service training for its Volunteers.
Provide support and group supervision on an ongoing basis and one-to-one supervision when needed.
Provide Public Liability Insurance.
Provide information on new developments within WAVES and information on new developments in Domestic Abuse work with clients.


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The WAVES Counselling Project is a part of:

Cornwall Refuge Trust, Charity Number: 1105270, Ltd Company Number: 5178212

Designed by Danny Byrne

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